Does your business website need an “About” page?

Photo by Ian Schneider on unsplash

If you have a business, you probably have a website. It seems like an old trope, but nowadays, if you don’t have an online presence you don’t have a business.

But if you’re a company selling something really nuts-and-bolts, like hardware, farming implements, or fitness equipment, do you really need an “About” page? Does anyone read those things anyway?

The answer is, as you might have guessed, you do need an about page, and there’s a good reason why.

People want to buy from businesses they trust. Nowadays, you can pop online and buy books from the shop on Main Street in your town, or from a distributor halfway around the country. It makes little difference to the consumer based on cost or convenience, because getting product from downtown or across the country will be similar. The difference is what consumers know about the business behind the books.

In this analogy about the book shop, the local seller may be more attractive because he is close at hand, but only if he makes this part of his appeal. If he has no story on his website his online presence is not as relatable as someone who has a nice picture, and a history of his book business.

On the other hand if Mr. Local reveals childhood memories of living in town, and describes his motivation to bring the community to life through local business, he’s got the consumer cold, right?

So, your business needs an About page to tell what it is you do, why you do it, and a bit about your history. Include these elements, and you’ll be checking off one important step in creating great business web copy.